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About the right timing.

Johanna and Günter tell their story.

Johanna and Günter Krainer are the hand, heart and head of At WildbachbergOn a sunny day in May, they are sitting in front of their special gem, which will soon be opened. There is still a lot to organize, but they keep remembering anecdotes from the last few years here. Then they smile. "Happiness finds you if you let it. It takes two things: drive and the right moment." Günter knows what he is talking about and is happy to tell you more about their personal journey to Wildbachberg.

History(s) of a region.

Johanna had never seen the old building before. Günter was there, on the Wildbachberg, came home and said: This is a special place. Two days later it was hers. "The former resident lived to be over 100 years old. She drew strength from here - her whole life. That inspired us. We stood on the hill and knew: We have to share this with others," Günter remembers. And so the two of them built their Wildbachberg. A farm with three houses on a slope in the Schilcherland, where you can do one thing above all else: feel good.

"We wanted to create accommodations that we would live in ourselves - honest and real." The existing building was therefore lavishly renovated using traditional craftsmanship and purely natural materials. In the style of the region and with what the earth provides: windows and floors made of real wood, old tiles on the roof, plaster made of lime, walls and panels made of Stainz stone. "Almost everything here has a story. The old armchairs in the wine cellar come from Eastern Styria, the rustic ornaments on the outside wall now also adorn our snack boards. The table in the wine cellar was a birthday present for Johanna 30 years ago. We breathed new life into old linen from Austria and northern Slovenia with our curtains - all sewn by my 74-year-old mother!" When Günter talks, his eyes light up. Nothing on the Wildbachberg seems to be left to chance, it feels so harmonious. Johanna and Günter are guided above all by their intuition. The entire ambience was developed step by step. The two gave every idea a chance. If the gut feeling was right, we continued. "People in Schilcherland are not lacking in creativity!" laughs Johanna, "that's why I felt at home from the start. I could always try things out here."

Common cause.

Johanna grew up in Upper Austria and eventually ended up in Styria - with Günter. As children on a farm, they share a connection to traditional values, but also an honesty and openness to everything new. "The focus is on togetherness. We dream and live, try, fail and win together. Johanna trusts my spontaneity, and in turn I value her calmness and consistency. I often tell her about an idea that she doesn't like at first. Through discussion, it becomes a joint plan and perhaps a wonderful reality - like here on the Wildbachberg." Johanna nods.

On this day in May, you can feel how content the two of them are. "Everything in life has its time, and so does our Wildbachberg," they sum up. What Johanna and Günter mean by this is now clear: that life deserves space to unfold. That many things are much easier when you are at peace with yourself. That, far away from the fast pace, you can actually learn to be slow again. And that such a temporary experience can change the time afterwards for good. Here at Wildbachberg, you can spend days as you wish. Not just in May, but all year round.

Worth telling.

from Wildbachberg

Winter in den Weinbergen

Winter at Wildbachberg

A quiet time to "spian life"

Urlaub mit Hund - Chalet Südsteiermark

Holiday with dog at Wildbachberg

On four paws

Schilcherland Klapotetz

Wine region The Schilcherland

On the trail of wine
